Self Driving Car
Iot App && Mobile App to control your car remotely
self driving car detail
Car comes with two modes first pilot mode and second auto pilot mode.
1- Pilot mode: control the car from mobile app control panel.
2- Auto pilot mode: for self driving car based on line detection.
3- Child Process: using Child Process to link python line detection with nodejs server (python-bridge package).
4- Nodemcu8266: Nodemcu8266 for wireless data transfare.
5- Ip webcam: we use this app for taking picture.
It has been a pleasure working with such diligent and intelligent student. You were able to quickly master a variety of new technologies and put them to use to achieve excellent results. I'm really pleased working with you all and with what you have accomplished with your graduation project. You all deserve a promising career, and I genuinely liked working with you. view in linkedIn
Nada Mansor
Software engineer at Dell
Project information
- Category IOT Application
- Source Code
- Client No Client ( Personal Project )